
Dylan, Shakespeare, and I'm Not There

The Impossible Song, Untangled What follows is some kind of essay on the origins of that once-obscure Bob Dylan song, "I'm Not There (1956)", which was, of course, recorded in 1967. I've written down what he's probably almost definitely nearly singing, and I thought I might as well record it while I was at it.  I've been wrestling with "I'm Not There" for a while. I first came across it as a bootleg, passed on by a friend almost 25 years ago. Since then, it's gained prominence, first as the title of the 2007 Dylan biopic, and eventually issued on The Bootleg Series. I've read various attempts at transcribing it, and can see that few have got too far, at least in terms of producing a whole. On the official website, aptly, it's not there. Eyolf  Ă˜strem , whose site I depend on for Dylan chords and lyrics , has left it undeciphered, convinced that the hieroglyphs can be enjoyed as they are. And they can.  Says Eyolf : "Even if it we...

Live at El Col.leccionista


Live at BlackLab - 16/9/23

Tickets on sale now at Notikumi  

The Mild Antics play Bob Dylan - Afterparty 24/6

  Back to our old antics!

Live at Jokers MC, El Papiol

  The Mild Antics play their first gig out in the sticks, and also their first gig in a biker's pub. Late kick-off at 23h.

For The Rainbow: a song of solidarity

Six years ago, I wrote a song for the England football team. It was a pop song, and thirty years too late. I promised myself that I would only write another one if I had a more meaningful idea.  This is that song. It's a song of unity and solidarity. Football might not be the best medium to shine a light on social issues but music works pretty well. This one's for the rainbow.

Interview in Ruta 66 - la aguja en el pajar

We're very happy that Ruta 66 thinks we're the needle in the haystack! Interview in Spanish here.