La Sonora Blues

That guy over there's still waiting for a drink
And I'm still waiting for a drink
In the bar next door, it's not a problem
In the bar next door they've all got one
You'll never be standing there without a beer
Saying what's a man gotta do
To get a beer in here?

And the beer's got bubbles
Yeah the beer's got bubbles
There's something in your beer missing
In the bar next door, it's just fizzin'
You'll never have to think about ordering wine
That beer next door
Is gonna taste just fine

The tapas is good
And the bravas is good
The tortilla's perfectly cooked
The choice of bocadillos'll have you hooked
If you forget to eat between two and four
Well, they serve all night
In the bar next door

The bathroom's clean
The marble sink is clean
In the bar next door, in the mirror's sheen
You can see your face all dirty and mean
They've even got locks on the toilet stalls
And no one's drawing cocks
All over the walls

There's a real aesthetic
And the lighting's sympathetic
In the bar next door, every woman's eyes
Are dancing along with the eyes of the guys
Even somebody with a face like yours
Might just get lucky
In the bar next door

They sing in Spanish
Everybody sings in Spanish
In the bar next door, they're all bearing their souls
And clapping along in espaƱol
You'll never have to wonder what's going on
Every word'll hit you here
In the corazon

They can play the guitar
They can play the violin
In the bar next door, they can play anything
The drummer can drum and the singer can sing
You'll never have to hear another three-chord song
And you'll never hear 'em
Put a finger wrong

But you're in here
Yes, you're in here
You made the wrong choice once again
Just sat there gawping at me and my friends
And we're up here and we're looking at you
And that's why we're singing
La Sonora Blues

© Andrew Szwejkowski, 2016-2017. All rights reserved.

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